Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Mail on Chinese organs

Intrepid media imperialist reporter Julie Wheldon screams in the Mail today ‘China accused of selling organs of executed prisoners’. Unfortunately, when confronted with this horror Chinese hospital officials in Northern China openly admitted where the organs came from. 'It's true we use a lot of organs from executed prisoners,' one official admitted. Er…. the point is that what we need in this county is organ donation unless specifically stated otherwise, i.e. opt out rather than opt in: and that would be a good presentational solution in China too. Why should anyone want to take organs with them and deny life and health to someone else? What this reporter has sought to achieve is to condemn more sufferers to a long, slow and painful death. She has set out to show the Chinese as backward and barbaric and in doing so has demonstrated the relentless cultural arrogance of the West without pausing to think that we might just have something to learn ourselves. Instead of sending Christian missionaries to ‘civilise’ Africa we now send Mail reporters to ‘civilise’ China.

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