Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Royal Society knows best - end of discussion

Some fellow in the revered Royal Society of something (whatever) has written a pompous letter to US company Exxon telling them off for not towing the party line on climate change. Exxon is cheekily not only sceptical of the Green agenda but are actively providing funds to organisations that might share their view or challenge the existing view. “Morally and intellectually bankrupt” I cry. Surely Exxon realises that there can be no debate on this whatsoever and that the truth has already been agreed by the Royal Society. Meanwhile, a sceptic myself, I have carried out some unfunded research using the Guardian’s own link to a definitive idiot’s guide. Gallant save the world heroes are drilling Antarctic ice and plotting CO2 and temperature going back 500,000 years to disprove recent sceptics who shamefully point out that the thermometer was only invented a couple of hundred years ago and as such might not prove irrefutable evidence for climate change since the beginning of time as the Royal Society has so frequently directed us to believe. But a quick glance seems to show that, rather than facing unprecedented temperature and CO2 change, the earth has gone through at least three previous and almost identical periods of change in a surprisingly regular cycle of about 125,000 years commencing with a rapid rise, peak about where we are now and then gradual cooling. But sorry, I forgot, no independent thought required otherwise the Royal Society will be writing to me – or will it be Galilean house arrest? Link below:,,1267004,00.html

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